We place a high value on our volunteers as they are vital to the success of our events. When you volunteer at an Epic Race, in addition to a warm fuzzy feeling, and aweseom volunteer hat, you can earn free racing, discounts, a donation to your non-profit. Read on to learn more about our 3-part Volunteer Rewards Program.

1. Volunteer Rewards
Here’s how the Epic Volunteer Rewards Program works:
- volunteer at an Epic Race event, earn Epic Bucks
- work a prerace packet pickup shift, earn 20 Epic Bucks
- work a race day registration/awards/finish shift, earn 30 Epic Bucks
- work a race day food tent shift, earn 30 Epic Bucks
- work a race day aid station shift, earn 30 Epic Bucks
- work a race day course marshal shift, earn 40 Epic Bucks
- work a water/kayak support shift, earn 40 Epic Bucks
- we will keep track of your accrued Epic Bucks, just email angela@epicraces when you would like to redeem them
- all Epic Bucks expire one year from the date they were earned.
Here is what athletes say about our volunteers:
“I just wanted to send my personal appreciation for putting such a great race in Michigan! The race was well managed, with plenty of volunteers throughout the course.”
“I did your race last year and had such a blast that I had to come back again. I have been racing triathlons for over 25 years and have been fortunate to race all over the world including a few Ironman and I cannot think of a race that I have enjoyed more. There are so many aid stations and your volunteers are second to none.”
“First, I wish to thank you and all your workers and volunteers for an excellently run race. I have been doing this tri thing for over 6 years and have learned to appreciate a well-run race.”

2. Host Club
Give back to the sport you love while providing team building, PR, and a nice discount for all club members!
Here’s how the Host Club Program works:
- Choose the race that your club would like to host.
- Work with our volunteer coordinator to fill 20 volunteer spots for the race you are hosting.
- All club members get 15% off all Epic Races for that year.
But wait... there's more...
All volunteers recruited by the club will get all of the volunteer benefits listed above.
Host clubs run on an annual basis per calendar year.
To apply, please click here.
Questions? Contact volunteer@epicraces.com.
See the race schedule here.

3. Group Fundraising
Are you part of a group or team looking to raise money?
You can do this while having a blast volunteering at an Epic Race on race day!
Here is how it works:
5 – $150 ($15 for each volunteer between 6 – 9)
10 – $350 ($20 for each volunteer between 11 – 19)
20 – $800 ($25 for each volunteer beyond 20)
To sign your team up or ask any questions, e-mail volunteer@epicraces.com or call 734-585-7101